
Ms. H comes over

One of the most sweetest things is having your very own Kindergarten teacher 
come to your house! 
Last friday Ms H. made a visit just for A. It was all about her. 
Where she slept where she ate. What toys she plays with. 
I stepped right out of the way and let A run the 'visit' I think Ms. H saw
everything shy of Mom and Dad's room.
She's off tomorrow to spend all of her day with this sweet kindergarten teacher

Rocco has been awfully busy this last week. Learning his ABC's
He's doing great. It's pretty much all play an a little structure, but 
take a look at this butterfly

The idea was color this butterfly in with tissue paper. And that he did
his teacher said he took 10 very focused minutes on this project.
Balling and gluing each one unassisted. (The pride is a little tangible over here)

Don't be fooled by the winged pirate or the pretty pretty princess
or Spidy knawing on a noodle These were ruffians! On the look out for this
this little boy. 

Never found him. He had to tell them where he was. Well when they asked where he was
he told them :))

Might have been the first picture of me and Locke in a while. 
Not our best but it's the end of the day...

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