
the new park in our neighborhood! Believe it or not we help build this with a lot of people from our community. Watch where you sit, one of the benches Locke built was left with a few screws that were seated a bit high. You'll know which one it is when you find it.

The next day we ventured off into lands uncharted by us and our car,
namely a 22 hour car ride to Oak Island, North Carolina to see some of the best 
East Coast-ers there are!

Yellow-out there trip
Teal-Day 1 of return
Green-Day 2 of return

A lot of miles but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be' says Katie
Locke and the kids might have another opinion.

A little beach time with PaPa

The weather was awesome...once Sandy headed northwards. It was actually pretty intense for a while, we were holed up with no food or water. We had to eat the neighbors Cockatoo for sustenance, and drink the distilled water out of our radiator to stay alive. Afterwards we went to survey the damage, and we found an old pirate ship that washed ashore from the depths of the sea. We filled our pockets with jewels ready to live the rest of our lives in the lap of luxury. Unfortunately Armanie got a hold of them and thought she'd play dress up, and as you can imagine they were lost quickly thereafter never to be found again.  

The cookies were devoured.

We even had a delivery boy come to the house!

Miss Tangled

Off to capture all the candy they can get their hands on!
About an hour of trick or treating was enough for these little legs!

"I will wrestle Mama, if she doesn't let me watch Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse"

Mrs. Carol from across the street let the kids walk 
the doggies. 

I'm not ready for a pet but they sure do love them!

Uncle Al here's one for you!

It was a great trip. Not many photos, mostly because the kids played around 
Mama's house had more TV watching than ever imagined. Locke 
got caught up on some fishing and sports, and I got to catch up with Dad. And Mama and me chatted the nights away.
Hope ya'll get some sleep and you find all the things we put up high so the kids wouldn't get them. :)

Return trips followed:
Drove 12 hours to Nashville and slept
Toured downtown Nashville for 3 hours and headed out.

Fall colors and lighting were awesome! Most of which wasn't photographed

Rocco utilizes the suck-the-soda-out-of-the-bottle technique as modeled here. He was thwarted by his lips plugging the bottle opening due to excessive suction, but he was left with beautiful full luxuriant lips.

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