
1,100 miles covered in 2 days!

the last two weeks have been very eventful.
About a month ago I and Locke's parents worked out a two week trip. Here' the recaps.
Senior Mr. & Mrs. Anderson picked I and the kids up and took us along with them to Idaho Falls. Good old visiting with a few get together-s, spring cleaning with chainsaws and lots of sleep! Then we drove back to Provo to change out cold weather luggage for more suitable wear for southern California and for I and the kiddos to give Locke lots of hugs and smoochies before we headed out of town for another week. Drove the rest of the day and got into so cal dog tired and ready for 48 hours of sleep!
So. Cal was just what this dry skinned, frozen Utahan needed. It was 70 + most days with a few rain storms which is always nice to run around in. We got to see my Grandmother from NC and got in a lot of time with cousins and grandparents.
We flew back yesterday. Would I do it again?! yes except I would fly Locke down so he could be with me when we flew home. having two little ones with their carseats and luggage and then being on the airplane with them....I could have used 3 more set of hands! I woke this morning with the worst knots in my shoulders from all the carrying of children and carting around "entertainment" and snacks for the little ones. Not complaining because if anything went array at the airport we were equipt with cozy blankets and food to last us for 48 hours. Armanie, had no accidents and no mid flight potty breaks. She did crawl out of her seat belt when we were landing and I ended up holding two children when we touched down in Salt Lake. I forgot to bring something to equalize the pressure for take off's and landings. Eek
but over all she did great and was even excited to look out the window. she kept saying "Look Mom we are flewing" And when her Father asked if she would fly again she said, Not right now, maybe when my sister comes. I'm assuming the next child we have will be a sister and that won't be for a few years, so we'll just put this experience on the shelf and be glad to be home!!
Papa feeding Rocco a "Must have" pastrami sandwich from Georges. Lots of meat and little bread!
Rocco and Rachel. He is such a billy goat.
Boy can't keep from climbing on top of things; even his defenseless
Armanie showing me this "fabulous pool!"
quite the feat; to get 9 children to stay in
close vicinity to take a picture.
Thanks Yaya for taking us all the way to the
gate. (taking the shuttle to the airport)

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